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About Us

Our Story: Saving Homeowners future, One Step at a Time

It wasn’t a headline, it was a conversation. Denise and Marco, sitting around a kitchen table, their hearts heavy with the stories of families losing their homes. The 2008 economic storm was raging, foreclosures were multiplying, and the traditional options felt overwhelming and complex, with no real, practical solution that could bring the emotional relief that was needed above and beyond the financial. “There has to be a better way,” they thought. That simple yet powerful question became the seed of SimpleForeclosureSolution, a company dedicated to offering a clear, compassionate, accessible and practical solution to homeowners facing foreclosure.

Denise, a driven businesswoman with a deep understanding of the real estate landscape, knew the system’s complexities. Marco, a seasoned real estate investor, saw the emotional toll it took on families. Together, they envisioned a different approach: a one-stop shop where homeowners could find guidance, support, and a realistic option tailored to their unique situations.

SimpleForeclosureSolution wasn’t built on a grand idea; it was built on a marriage, when empathy met business. “We started by looking and listening. We listened to the fear, the confusion, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness. The plan was to bring into business that understanding. We looked at everything that business and real estate law had to offer in terms of tools and techniques. We observed, researched, and studied. We finally discovered an old method, still in use, but extremely popular just a few decades ago. It became less known as the new generations weren’t exposed, and big interests and corporations had no incentive for that to happen. They were and still are a niche that only a few sophisticated real estate investors and operators have the expertise to handle. We jumped on it and streamlined the process, making it easy to understand and navigate. We made sure it would apply to as many cases as possible, without risks or drawbacks. We figured out what team members, who genuinely cared, each case required, and how to bring real estate professionals together to make it work. We learned well and started implementing it with little surprise that it worked.”

We had found a practical, ethical, advanced, yet SImple Foreclosure Solution!

“Our simple solution isn’t a magic fix. It’s a combination of expertise, compassion, motivation and clear communication. We help homeowners make sure they can keep all the available options open and available, from loan modifications and short sales to navigating bankruptcy and finding new housing. However, when our method is the best at meeting the homeowners’ needs within a practical timeline, we go into action, without hesitation; in real estate, time is always a headwind and can easily make or break a deal. We explain the process step-by-step, answer questions honestly, and advocate for their best interests. Our success, is their success. Our goal, is their goal.”

Saving homes is more than saving bricks and mortar; it’s preserving families, communities, and dreams. Every homeowner we help find a solution to their foreclosure problems, is a testament to our mission. It’s the story of hope rekindled, stability regained, and a rebuilt future. That’s the story of SimpleForeclosureSolution, and it’s a story we’re proud to write and keep on writing, one chapter at a time.

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to empower homeowners facing foreclosure with a straightforward, accessible, and personalized solution that prioritizes their well-being and protects their future. We strive to simplify the process, minimize stress, and maximize opportunities for homeowners to retain their homes, explore viable alternatives, and move forward with dignity and confidence.

We want them to land on their feet, with financials that have the best possible potential, their emotions unharmed, their well-being unaffected, ready to move forward with momentum and build a great future as soon as possible, for them and their families.

Ethics & Values:

Transparency: We believe in clear and honest communication, providing homeowners with all the information they need to make informed decisions.
Compassion: We understand the emotional and financial hardship of foreclosure, and treat each homeowner with empathy and respect.
Empowerment: We equip homeowners with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the foreclosure process, fostering independent decision-making.
A Solution, not sales: We prioritize finding the best outcome for each homeowner, regardless of personal gain, leaving all doors open to any preferable option.
Community: We believe in strengthening communities and families, providing additional support and resources to struggling homeowners.
Impact: We measure our success not just by houses saved, but by the lives stabilized, anxieties calmed, and futures brightened for the families we serve.

Who we are:

SimpleForeclosureSolution is part of Proxima Investors:

“We are a residential real estate investing family run business that focuses on sellers and buyers rather than on properties themselves. It’s about the situation and the goals, needs, and expectations of the sellers and the buyers, rather than just the profit opportunities that a property offers.”

With decades of cumulative experience between the two permanent, founding partners, Denise & Marco, they each have a different background and approach that compliments each other’s with great benefit. Combining their expertise in 2015, they’ve been working together as a family-run real estate investing business since then. Based on the business structure and how it’s run, they focus on families and their housing challenges, designing deals that allow and empower home sellers, homebuyers and their families. Other temporary partners occasionally join in, as teams are created specifically for each individual project. Teams often include other professionals, such as brokers and agents, attorneys, and other real estate experts and operators.

In the current market, they focus on the financing aspects, leverage the opportunities that high rates offer, and address or assist in addressing the strong challenges that such a tight lending market creates. One of those is the challenge of a looming foreclosure, which is one of the hardest moments for homeowners and, very importantly, for their families now and in the future. Through SimpleForeclosureSolution, Proxima Investors look for the best way to address a preforeclosure situation for homeowners, supporting all options until their own simple solution appears to be the best possible scenario, with a view to a clean reset and fresh restart, to build a much better future quickly, for them and their families.

“The proud moment when we know that we are positively impacting families’ lives is why we started out many years ago and have been running the business on those principles and strategies ever since.”

“We don’t believe that business has to be emotionless, passion and real estate can combine beautifully with the right expertise and people. And that’s why, for the most part, we are in residential real estate.”

Please be patient while we rebuild this website. The project is unhindered, though, so reach out to find out all the details. Thank you!
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